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ENG 111/ENF3: College Composition I
with Preparing for College English III (5 Credits)

This is a five course that includes ENG 111 and ENF 3. ENG 111 (English 111) is the College Composition course. ENF 3 (English Fundamentals 3) is a supplement to that course which will give you individualized support for your reading and writing . Only English 111 offers college credit and can be transferred to another college.

This course is designed to help you to read closely, analyze complex ideas, form your own opinions, and then express and defend your ideas in writing.   Through systematic practice, you will learn to read actively, and to develop, write, revise, and edit your essays. 

The ability to read, write, and think critically is vital in our increasingly interconnected world.  Thus, most of the reading and writing in this course will be related to the theme of globalization.  You will study issues related to travel, pop culture, education, and censorship.  Throughout the course, you will also have the opportunity to reflect on your own role in the world..

The assignments in the course include reading, writing, and analysis exercises, as well as discussions.  You will also be assigned various essays, videos, and articles in the form of links.. You will also have two major exams:  the midterm and the final exam. 


If you complete this course and do well, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the use of pre-reading, reading, and post-reading skills with college-level texts
  • Pre-write, draft, revise, edit, and proofread college-level texts
  • Expand vocabulary by using various methods
  • Demonstrate comprehension by identifying rhetorical strategies and applying them to college-level texts
  • Analyze college-level texts for stated or implied main idea and major and minor supporting details
  • Demonstrate critical thinking skills when reading and writing college-level texts
  • Write well-developed, coherent, and unified college-level texts, including paragraphs and essays
  • Identify, evaluate, integrate, and document sources properly

In addition to the required text, you will view the movie Gran Torino. A link to the movie is provided in the BB course site so you will not have to rent the movie. There are also a variety of resources that will also be available in the BB course site.


Your course grade will be determined by the timely and successful completion of the assignments, according to the following percentages.

Assignment Points Percentage of Grade
Reading responses 180 18.0
Writing assignments 360 36.0
Skill building quizzes
5 @ 10 points each
(Syllabus, Plagiarism & Citations, Elements of an Essay, Integrating Sources, and Refutation)
50 5.0
Grammar quizzes
3 @ 30 points each
90 9.0
Vocabulary Wiki 20 2.0
2 @ 150 points each
300 30.0
Total 1000 100

Please note that you must also pass both the midterm and the final exam in order to pass the course, regardless of your scores on the other assignments.

Although you will be doing a unified set of coursework for the class, you will earn two different grades: one grade for ENG 111 and a different grade for ENF 3.

The ENG 111 grade will be based on the following scale:

Grade Points Percent
A 900-1000 90-100
B 800-899 80-89
C 700-799 70-79
D 600-699 60-69
F 0-599 0-59

The ENF 3 grade will be based on the following scale:

Grade Points Percent
S (Satisfactory) 700-1000 70-100
R (Repeat) 600-699 60-69
U (Unsatisfactory) 0-599 0-59


There are 2 proctored exams in this course.

ELI Policies and Procedures
Beginning the Course

Last Updated: December 18, 2012