graphic of sculpture TROY
Racine's (and Euripides') Iphigenia Bibliography

Abraham, Claude K. Jean Racine. Twayne's World Authors Series. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1977.

Akerman, Simone. "Iphigenie ou la tragedie du clair-obscur." In Zebouni, Selma, Actes de Baton Rouge: 97-109. [ambiguity in Iphigenie]

Ahmed, Ehsan. "Racine's Agamemnon: The Problem of Voice in Iphigenie." Romanic Review (New York City) Vol. 79, no. 4, 1988 Nov. : 574-584. [conflict, authority, voice]

Allen, Peter. "The Role of Myth in Racine: Adromaque, Iphigenie, Phedre." Essays in Honour of A. J. Steele. In Aspley, Keith (ed. & introd.); Bellow, David (ed.); Sharratt, Peter (ed.). Myth and Legend in French Literature. London: Modern Humanities Research Assn., 1982: 93-116. [treatment of myth; Troy, characters]

Barchilon, Jacques. "Commentaire sur l'article de S. Akerman ‘Iphigenie ou la tragedie du clair-obscur'". In Zebouni,  Actes: 110-113.

Barthes, Roland. On Racine. French original published as Sur Racine, 1960. Trans. by Richard Howard. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992. [Excellent on Iphigenie itself; family tragedy; without Eriphile it would be a great comedy; primal horde theory of tragedy; very psychoanalytic, following Freud's Totem and Taboo; existentialist  vocabulary]

Batache-Watt, Emy. Profils des HJroines Raciniennes. Femmes en LittJrature. France: Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1976. [on masochistic females in Racine]

Brown, Roberta S. "Iphigenie, Phedre, and Athalie: Prophecies of Secularization." Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French History, Riverside, CA. Vol. 10, 1984: 70-75.

Cheyns, Andre. "Racine heritier de la Grece dans Iphigenie: Les Personnages d'Eriphile et d'Agamemnon." Les Lettres Romanes (LR), Louvaine-la-Neuve, Belgium. Vol. 50 no. 1-2, 1996 Feb-May: 3-35.

Clark, A. F. B. Jean Racine. Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature, Volume XVI, 1939. Rpt. New York: Octagon Books, 1969. [delightful biography of Racine; especially interesting on conflicts between Port Royal Jansenism and debauched life in theatre, mistresses, Affaire de Poisons, etc. not very useful on Iphigenie]

Cloonan, W.J. Racine's Theatre: The Politics of Love. University, Mississippi: Romance Monographs, Inc., 1977.

Delmas, C. Mythologie et Mythe dans le Theatre Francais (1650-76). Geneva: Librairie Droz, 1985.

Desnain, Veroniquie. "At the Altar: Marriage and/or Sacrifice in Racine." Seventeenth-Century French Studies (SCFS), Liverpool, England, Vol. 18, 1996: 159-66.

Dubu, Jean. "Iphigenie, ou la mort acceptee." In W. Howarth, I.  McFarlane and M.  McGowan, Margaret Eds. Form and Meaning: Aesthetic Coherence in Seventeenth Century Drama: Studies Presented to Harry Barnwell. Amersham, Eng.: Avebury, 1982: 156-165.  [Racine; Iphigenie on sleep, fear, gods, acceptance, death]

Dutu, Alexandru. "Trois Iphigenies ou la metamorphose des themes...litreraire." Komparatistische Hefte (KompH), Bayreuth, Germany: vol. 13, 1986: 5-12. [compares Racine's and Goethe's Iphigenias re: sacrifice; ref. Eliade]

Ekstein, Nina. "The Destabilization of the Future in Racine's Iphigenie." The French Review: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of French (FR), Champaign, IL. Vol. 66, no. 6, 1993 MY: 919-31. [levels of knowing: gods, characters, audience]

Forman, E.R.B., Ed. Racine: Appraisal and Reappraisal. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 1991.

Furst, Lilian R. "Mythology into Psychology: Deux ex Machina into God Within." Comparative Literature Studies 1984 Spring, Vol. 21 No.1: 1-15. [Iphigenias: Racine compapred to Goethe;from ancient god motivation to modern psychological motivation]

-------. Romanticism in Perspective: A Comparative Study of Aspects of the Romantic Movement in England, France and Germany. 1979.

Gille, Catherine Chaudron. "Dramatic Recognition in the Tragedies of Jean Racine." Diss.  Emory University. 1995. [discusses Iphigenie, drama, tragic drama, recognition]

Gingrass-Conley, Katharine. "The Dark Face in the Mirror." In Motte, Warren (ed.); Prince, Gerald, (ed.). Alteratives. French Forum Monographs, Nicholasville, KY. Series No: 82. Lexington: French Forum, 1993: 85-93 [on Eriphile]

Goldman. Le Dieu cache. Gallimard, 1955.

Goodkin, Richard E. "Killing Order (s): Iphigenia and the Detection of Tragic Intertextuality." Yale French Studies, vol. 76, 1989: 81-107.

-------. The Tragic Middle: Racine, Aristotle, Euripides. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1991.[rather critical/theoretical]

Guenoun, Solange. "Resonances et deraison absolutiste: Pur une analyse ideologique de l'annee 1674." In Zebouni, Selma A. (ed.). Actes de Baton Rouge. Paris: Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, 1986: 267-94. [feminist approach to absolutism, relationship to women, Iphigenie]

Hiscock, Andrew. Authority and Desire: Crises of Interpretation in Shakespeare and Racine. Studies in Shakespeare, Robert F. Wilson, Jr., General Editor, Vol. 4. New York: Peter Lang, 1996. [section on Iphigenie and Troilus and Cressida]

Knapp, Bettina L. "Iphigenia . . . A Cruelty." Modern Drama 1970, Vol.12: 260-269.

-------.  Jean Racine: Mythos and Renewal in Modern Theater. Alabama: Alabama University Press, 1971.

Knight, R. C. Ed. Racine:  Modern Judgments. Nashville: Aurora Publishers, Inc., 1971.

-------.  "Ritual Murder at Versailles: Racine's Iphigenie." In Freeman, E. (ed. & pref.); Mason, H. (ed.); O'Regan, M. (ed.); Taylor, S. W. (ed.). Myth and Its Making in the French Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988: 71-80. [Iphigenia sources in classical myth]

Koch, E. R. "Tragic Disclosures of Racine's Ipihigenie." Romanic Review (New York, NY), Vol. 81, No. 2, 1990 Mar.: 161-172. [who is the real Iphigenia?]

Lapp, John C. Aspects of Racinian Tragedy. University of Toronto Romance Series. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1955. [formal analysis, by themes, conventions, etc.; how Racine is able to use these conventions to intensify his drama]

Lewis, Philip. "Sacrifice and Suicide: Some Afterthoughts on the Career of Jean Racine." In Zebouni, Selma. Actes de Baton Rouge: 53-74.

Maland, David. Culture and Society in Seventeenth-Century France. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970. [French Classicism;a chunk on Moliere; good solid social history; on Jansenism]

Mashimo, Hiroko. "La Dramaturgie de la dissumulation: Etude sur Iphigenie." Etudes de Langue et Litterature Francaises (ELLF), Tokyo, Japan. Vol. 58,  Mar: 58-74.

Matzat, Wolfgang. "Mythe et identite dans le theatre classique: L'Oedipe cornelien et l'Iphigenie racinienne." Actes du 1er colloquium du Centre Internat. de Rencontres sur le XVIIe siecle (Kiel, 29 Juin-1er juillet 1993. Kapp, Volker, ed. Les Lieux de memoire et la fabrique...l'oeuvre. Paris: PFSCL, 1993.

Mourgues, Odette de. Racine, or the Triumph of Relevance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967. [wonderful analysis of how the unities fit Racine's concentration on passion; 17th c. "moralist" interest in the workings of passion; ideal, yet not abstract characters; we identify with their experience because we know them intimately; other characters find them opaque; therefore, danger is in exposure to others; ancient, passionate tragic order vs our context of modern ethical/religious order]

McKenna, Antony. "Note sur la deraison dans Iphigenie de Racine." Litteratures Classiques (LiCl), Toulouse, France. Vol. 25, 1995 Autumn: 273:82.

Nurse, P. H. "Racine and his Gods." Modern Language Review  Vol. lxxii, 1977: 34-45.[literary criticism; freedom/uncertainty as well as determinism in Racine]

Perivier, Jacques-Henri. "Le Problem du mal dans l'Iphigenie de Racine." French Forum vol. 14 no. 2, 1989 May: 147-171.

Racine, Jean. Iphigenia/Phaedra/Athaliah. Trans. and Intro. by John Cairncross. 1963; rpt. with revised Foreword, New York: Penguin Books, 1970.

Romanowski, Sylvie. "Sacrifice and Truth in Racine's Iphigenie." In S. Romanowski and M. Bilezikian, Eds. and Intro. Homage to Paul Benichou. Birmingham, AL: Summa, 1994: 143-65.

Vinaver, Eugene. Entretiens sur Racine. Intro. by R. C. Knight. Paris: Librairie A. Nizet, 1984.

Woshinsky, Barbara. "Image, Representation, Idea." In Zebouni, Actes de Baton Rouge: 227-242. [truth, Iphigenie, comp. to Malebranche.]

Zebouni, Selma A., Ed. Actes de Baton Rouge. Biblio 17, Tubingen Germany, Series No. 25. Paris: Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, 1986.

Last Updated: October 14, 2010

© Thompson: 9/22/1998