Dr. Diane Thompson


Islamic History Sourcebook "Holy War in The Song of Roland": The "Mythification" of History, by Mark Dominik in the Standford Undergraduate Research Journal.
"The Abbasid Construction of the Jahiliyya," by R. Drory. An article on classical Arabic poetry Life of Charlemagne : by Einhard, a friend of Charlemagne's
Iran Photo Album: a tour of Persia

A History of the Crusades: Kenneth Setton, ed. Etexts of a major history series.

The Epic of Kings: Hero Tales of Ancient Persia by Firdausi The Song of Roland (Wikipedia): good information and links, although not totally reliable (anyone can add to it). Worth using with caution.
Women in Islam: Islam Versus Women in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition The Song of Roland (e-text)
Arabian Nights Books: information on background of Nights, editions of the stories, illustrations, translators, etc. The Song of Roland: Apocalypse Palimpsest: a fascinating essay contrasting the bigotry of the Roland to the acceptance of the enemy as equal in the Iliad.
Sheherazade: focus on symbols of women in the Nights The Military Martyrs
One Thousand and One Nights: good background material from Wikipedia Review of a lecture on Medieval Monsters; a student project
Arab Gateway: to Arabic literature Sir Gawain and the Green Knight : a useful page with good links from the Anthology of Middle English Literature.
"Recollections of the Arabian Nights": by Alfred, Lord Tennyson Three etexts of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: two are modern translations and one is the original medieval English, edited by Tolkein and Gordon.
Arabian Nights: home page of a valuable site for texts and background information about the Nights. Presented by ELF (Electronic Literature Foundation)

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: a modern translation and links to other work by the Pearl Poet

"The Death of Shahrazad": a modern tale by Intizar Hussein English Text of the Koran

(c) Thompson: 01/28/2011