Did Genesis describe an ethical religion, i.e., a religion that demanded moral behavior? This question is your first example of the kind of document analysis that you will be answering as part of your assignments in this course. Please read the question carefully before you actually read Genesis and before you begin to compose your reply. It is extremely important that you answer the question, which deals with elements of ethical behavior in Genesis, and that you do not just re-tell the story of Genesis without presenting your analysis of the document. I have selected this particular assignment because surprisingly very few people have actually ever read Genesis and thought about what was in the first book of the Bible. And so, you will be reading Genesis as a historian would, as a historical record for analysis. The conclusions that you reach will help you understand the origins of ancient Judaism. The paragraph should be about one-half a sheet of paper, and it must include quoted evidence, excerpts, from the document to support your analysis.