After reading the English Bill of Rights, which dates to the Glorious Revolution of 1688-1689 in England, please answer the question, "Was the English Bill of Rights a democratic document?" As you read the document, and I realize that it is difficult reading because of the somewhat archaic language, you should focus on answering this specific question, and your answer should not be more than about a long paragraph. Your answer should also include quoted evidence from the document to support your interpretation. The real key word that you need to understand is "democratic," and you will really need to think about and define "democratic" to properly answer this question. Remember who the author of the document was and that will help you to answer the question. Finally it is important that you read this document closely, because this document is the first in a series of document analysis assignments which focus on key political documents over the last three centuries and the evolving definition and understanding of political and human rights.