After reading the excerpt from the Communist Manifesto, briefly explain Marx's view of history? What were his major points? How did he periodize history? Was history linear, progressive, evolving or was it circular? Did it repeat itself? What forces did Marx identify that influenced the course of history? These are the listed questions that you should consider in preparing your essay for the midterm exam. The Communist Manifesto, written by Marx and Engels, is easily one of the most important political documents of the last two centuries. In many respects, it connects very well with your previous studies of political documents that dealt with the issue of political and human rights (the English Bill of Rights, the American Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man). Even though at first glance, it may not appear that way, the Communist Manifesto addressed, in many respects, the same issues with which these earlier documents dealt. Again you should also consider authorship of the document as you begin to prepare for midterm exam. Even though you cannot take notes into the exam, you can do most of your preparation in outlining and developing specific arguments and points before the exam so that when you go to the exam you will be ready to write the essay question. You do not have to answer the questions indicated above in the order in which I have listed them, nor do you necessarily have to answer them all, but those questions are meant to guide your thinking about the nature of Communist Manifesto. Your midterm essay should probably be about two pages written. Please remember to use paragraphs with an introduction that clearly indicates the structure of your argumentation and your thesis. Finally, I would also like to mention that Marx' entire lifetime of work established him not only as one of the leading philosophers, economists and politicians of the nineteenth century but also as one of the first modern historians of the Western world, in his search for scientific and analytical factors that explained the development of human society.