In the course, after completing midterm exam but before taking the final exam, you need to finish four module essay assignments. These are short essays based on the assignments contained in the available web modules. Presently there are approximately thirty modules available for your selection, with module subjects ranging from Nikita Khrushchev to Gothic rock to Jackson Pollock to Chernobyl, giving you a wide variety of possible essay subjects. When you write any of the individual essays, you will need to use web resources to compose a complete answer to the assigned question. Please make sure that you cite appropriately those web resources, usually by putting the source URL in parentheses in the text of your answer. Each essay should be approximately one page in length but might be a little bit more, never exceeding two pages in length. You can find the available modules by using the database search mechanism that I have developed for the course, or you can also go to the chronology page which provides links to a year-by-year selection of available modules. Finally, I encourage you to consider developing your own module which will then become part of the course for future students.