Clickable Map
of the Geography of Russia

Clicking on one of the boxes on the map below, such as "Murmansk,"  will take you to the web page that has further information about that geographic feature--in this case on the Murmansk area.  When you put your cursor over one of the boxes, you will see that the cursor changes from an "arrow" to a "pointing hand."  That means that there is a link there.  Good luck and have fun!

Original source is
1987 map of the Soviet Union

This page is copyright © 2007, C.T. Evans
For information contact

Link to Tien Shan PageLink to Desert pageLink to Altai Mts. PageLink to baikal PageLink to Baikal PageLink to Arctic PageLink to Arctic PageLink to Murmansk PageLink to Murmansk PageLink to Pripyat Marshes PageLink to Baltic PageLink to Baltic PageLink to Siberian Rivers PageLink to Pacific Region PageLink to Paciic Region PageLink to Siberia PageLink to Tundra PageLink to Enisei PageLink to Taiga PageLink to Dnieper PageLink to Black Earth PageLink to Ural Mts. PageLink to Volga River PageLink to Steppe PageLink to Crimea PageLink to Baku PageLink to Black Sea PageLink to Central Asia PageLink to Central Asia PageLink to Aral Sea PageLink to Caspian Sea PageLink to Caucasus PageLink to TransCaucasus PageLink to Ukraine PageLink to Western Ukraine PageLink to Baltic PageLink to Baltic Page