HIS 112
Questions to Consider while reading the textbook
and studying a unit's material
Unit 1    Introduction
  • How has geography influenced the course of history?
  • What is history?
Unit 2    Seventeenth-Century Europe
  • Why did Parliament succeed in expanding its powers in England?
  • What were some of the characteristics of political modernization in England?
Unit 3    Persia, a Gunpowder Empire?
  • What factors allowed the Ottoman Turks to create such a large empire?
  • What was the key to Akbar's success as a ruler?
Unit 4    East Asia and Japan
  • What were some of the characteristics of Chinese and Japanese society in the early modern period?
  • How did Japanese society respond to Western contact in the early modern period?
Unit 5    Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment
  • What was the scientific method?
  • Why was the era called the "Enlightenment?"
Unit 6    Industrialization and Western Modernization
  • How did industrial production change Western society?
  • Compare and contrast some of the major characteristics of economic and political modernization in England and Japan in the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries.
Unit 7    Nineteenth-Century World
  • Why did Britain (and other European countries) expand its (their) overseas empire(s)?
  • Why did most of the African continent come under the control of Europeans?
Unit 8    Russia
  • Why did Lenin establish the New Economic Policy (NEP)?
  • What factors promoted the collapse of the tsarist autocracy in Russia in February 1917?
Unit 9    World War I
  • How did Remarque's portrayal of the war differ from what governments described to their citizens during the war?
  • Why did nobody stop the rush to war in 1914?
Unit 10    World War II
  • How did World War II differ from the Great War?
  • How do you explain why the genocide carried out by Nazi Germany occurred?
Unit 11    Worldwide Modernization
  • Why did China and India react differently to the Western challenge?
  • Why did Marxist ideas become popular in China?
Unit 12    Cold War
  • How did the Cold War begin and how did it encompass the entire world?
  • Did the Cold War ever end?
Unit 13    Decolonization and Nation-Building
  • What were some of the common features experienced by countries of the "Developing World" since 1945?
Unit 14    South Asian Independence
  • Why did South Asian leaders insist on the partition of the subcontinent?
  • Compare and contrast some of the major characteristics of economic and political modernization in England and Japan in the twentieth century.
Unit 15    Final Exam
  • How has geography influenced the course of history?
  • What is history?



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For information contact cevans@nvcc.edu