HIS 135
Map Study Items
These are the possible items that you will need to be able to locate on the map for the midterm exam:
Russia Delhi Iran Africa
France Cuba Pakistan Asia
Mediterranean Sea Bengal India Burma
Istanbul Manchuria Indochina South America
Sinai Peninsula Poland Japan China
Australia Moscow Korea South Africa
Egypt Algeria Argentina Ghana
Congo Pacific Ocean Red Sea Taiwan
Atlantic Ocean Guatemala Persian Gulf Punjab
Great Britain Iceland Indian Ocean Baltic Sea
Philippines Iraq Brazil Indonesia
Pakistan Scandinavia Alaska Black Sea
North America Israel Yugoslavia Sudan 
These are the possible items that you will need to be able to locate on the map for the final exam:
Russia Delhi Iran Libya
France Cuba Pakistan Turkey
Mediterranean Sea Bangladesh India Burma
Afghanistan Panama Vietnam Somalia
Saudi Arabia Poland Japan China
Australia Angola Thailand South Africa
Egypt Algeria Argentina Ghana
Zaire Pacific Ocean Nicaragua Peru
Ethiopia Guatemala Persian Gulf Punjab
Central Asia Manchuria Indian Ocean Beijing
Greece Tibet Spain Ethiopia
Great Britain Pretoria Mexico Canada
Philippines Iraq Brazil Indonesia
North America Israel Bosnia Sudan 
There are many sites on the web that have extensive map collections for you to use in your study.

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