In the late 1980s, with the crashing down of the Iron Curtain and the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, some of the
Soviet republics, i.e., Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, began to declare
their independence from the USSR. The main challenge to the
continued existence of the Soviet Union was waged by Boris Eltsin and
the Russian Federation. After the failed August Coup
in 1991, it all came quickly unglued. In December 1991, Russia,
Ukraine and Belarus signed an agreement that created the Commonwealth
of Independent States (CIS) with originally eleven of the former soviet
republics as members. In the last two or three years, however,
events have indicated that the CIS probably does not have much longer
to go, for example, Ukraine never formally ratified the agreement (neither did Turkmenistan), and Georgia has opted out.

The Georgian Military Highway, late 1950s,
photo by Thomas T. Hammond
It has been fifteen years since
the August Coup attempt, almost fifteen years since the end of the
Soviet Union, but most of recent Russian history is a story dealing with decline, discomfiture and
disintegration. Things have not been good in Russia for some time now.
about the sorry state of affairs--not to even mention the pilfering of
the economic
resources of the
country, the flight of Russian money abroad to safe havens, the
destruction of some of the country's cultural treasures in the name of
making a quick ruble, the increasingly authoritarian nature of domestic
politics and the
emergence of organized crime families that put the mafia to shame--can
clearly be seen in the health crisis that has engulfed the CIS.
Just look at some of these headlines:
- Life Ebbs
away from Russian Villages by Damian Grammaticas, BBC correspondent in 2004, "There
are growing fears that Russia is facing a
population crisis that could see the country lose up to 50 million
people in the next 50 years." See also in this regard,
Russian Men
Become Extinct--This is no joke--"There can be some regions in Russia where there will be no men at all."
- Statistics on Russian male life expectancy (now at about 59-60 years) show Russia as ranking 85th in the world in
2005, below Guatemala and North Korea and just above Guyana and
Bolivia. For reference sake,
Germany is 14th and United States in 20th. Moreover there has
been a precipitous decline in life expectancy over the
last fifteen years. Russians have terrible health problems, largely because of alcohol consumption and cigarette use.
- More Abortions Than Births in Russia
- Look at the hundreds of websites (None listed here.) with ads for Russian women wanting to get married to anyone outside of
Russia so that they can leave the country.
Although I don't monitor
current events in Russia as much as I should--it is too depressing to
read it all--one thing that I have been aware of is the catastrophe
that is the Russian experience in Chechnya. From my point-of-view, it
symbolizes all that has gone wrong with Russia since
the end of the communist regime.
All of these websites
dealing with Chechnya deserve a short look. (I've listed them
according to my order of preference, i.e., please start at the top.):
- Battle for Chechnya: Special report (BBC News, 2000) has excellent background articles on the participants and conditions in the Caucasus
- Crisis in the Caucasus: History of the Conflict in Dagestan by Sarah Miller, 1999 (also see her article,
Russia vs. Chechnya:
Round Two, the Crisis Moves West, 1999)
Brief Timeline of Key Events in Chechnya,
1830–2004 by David Johnson and Borgna Brunner
- Crisis in Chechnya (short review of the situation by Anup Shah, 2004)
- Chechnya, Renewed Catastrophe (by the Human Rights Watch)
- Crisis in Chechnya (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty special page with a long list of relevant articles, which can be a bit overwhelming)
- Chechnya, The endless war, two photo galleries
- Special Report Chechnya (Guardian Unlimited, Special Report)
- Endless
Brutality: Ongoing Human Rights Violations in Chechnya, A
Report by Physicians for Human Rights, 23 January 2001, is a detailed summary of the atrocities that have occurred in Chechnya
CBS News Indepth Chechnya, 2004, is a decent short overview of the conflict
- Chechnya Free is a web page for a Free Chechnya radio station with links to information about Chechnya
has some really graphic videos detailing violence, murder, etc. in
Chechnya. Please be forewarned before you watch any of these.
- Chechnya Advocacy Network, a volunteer organization, maintains this page with links to all sorts of useful information about the conflict.
There is no doubt in my mind that Russia has its hands full dealing
with the situation in Chechnya; it does not matter that Chechnya is a flea in comparison to
Russia as an elephant (Hope you get my comparison.), and I am also quite
sure that things will end badly for everyone involved. They already have for the inhabitants of the Russian
town of Beslan (population about 30,000) in North Ossetia
in the Northern Caucasus. On 1-4 September 2004 terrorists took
over a thousand children, teachers and adults hostage on the first
day of school. Over three hundred died, including 186 school
children according to official figures. Please read the
excellent, exhaustive wikipedia article on the Beslan School Hostage Crisis. There is also an excellent article in Esquire (June 2006), "The School" by C. J. Chivers--I think that you can log on to read this article. I really can't add much more to this; it is emotional enough reading
about it. What an absolute
disaster, but you know, the questions about what really happened at
Beslan and the role of the Russian security forces in perhaps causing
the disaster remain unanswered to this day, although the report of the
parliamentary commission, recently released is a step in the right
direction. Hopefully, the complete truth will be
revealed one day:
- Special Report: Beslan: the aftermath by the, 12 December 2004
- Thoughts on Beslan by Dan Darling, 5 September 2004. See also, Beslan: the real international connection,
Western intervention helped to create the new ruthless cross-border terrorism by Brendan O'Neil of Spiked Online, 8 September 2004
- Russia: One Year After Beslan Tragedy, Questions Remain By Jean-Christophe Peuch (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty), very good article
- One year on, Beslan mourns its
dead and demands the truth,
Anger grows over Kremlin's official version of siege by Nick Paton
Walsh in Beslan, 31 August 2005 (The Guardian), very good article
- There is much about Beslan on The Jamestown Foundation
- It took quite awhile before Putin finally agreed to meet with a delegation of Beslan mothers,
but he did not offer any apologies for the hostage crisis. See,
in this regard, "Beslan Mothers Blame President Putin for 331 School Siege Deaths," 31 August 2005, by (no longer available for free online), and Who's To Blame for Beslan? At
the trial of the sole surviving school hostage-taker, families lash
out at the Russian authorities by Kelly McEvers of Slate, 22 July 2005.
- State
forces blamed over Beslan, Russian security forces were
partly to blame for last year's school hostage crisis in Beslan, investigators
from the North Caucasus have concluded, 29 November 2005, BBC News
Some recommended books
- Max J. Okenfuss and Cheryl D. Roberts, eds., Reemerging Russia: Search for Identity (1995)
- Michael McFaul, Russia's Unfinished Revolution: Political Change from Gorbachev to Putin (2001)
- Anna Politkovskaya, A Dirty War: A Russian Reporter in Chechnya (2001)
Some recommended websites
- End of the Soviet Union
- The Soviet Union Disintegrates is a good, short overview of the Brezhnev years
- There is very little information available about Vladimir Putin. For something interesting, see Kate Weinberg's article Could This Woman Be Vladimir Putin's Real Mother? in the Telegraph. If the link doesn't work, I have a *.pdf copy.
- Reform, Coup and Collapse: The End of the Soviet State by Archie Brown, 5 November 2009
- Ofitsialnaia Rossiia (official site of the Russian Federal Government, in Russian); check also the
The Constitution of the Russian Federation (12 December 1993)
(also at
- Russian Presidential Elections-96
- The Computer Disk that Helped Topple A Government
- Political Parties and Movements (in Russian), including the
Russian Assembly of the Nobility
- Vladimir Putin
- Contemporary Russian Art and
Russian galleries of modern paintings
- The Last Tsar (and his final burial)
- Listening Station
- Alan Kimball, University of Oregon,
"NATO Expansion"
- Alan Kimball, University of Oregon,
"Are Russians Ready for Democracy? and
Could James Madison Help Them?"
- Josh Calder, Challenging The Assumptions About Russia's Future (2 January 2009)
- Russia’s Future: From Research to Reality, Russia Today (3 February 2010)