How to Create a Citation for a Book


To cite a book, you will need the following pieces of information:


-          Author (usually available on the book’s title page, though sometimes individual chapters are written by different authors, so if you do use a selected chapter, check to see if the chapter is written by a different author).

-          Title of the chapter used

-          Title of the book

-          City and state of publication (you can usually find this information on the title page, or on the back side of the title page)

-          Year of publication (you can usually find this information on the back side of the title page)

-          Name of editor(s) (usually found on the title page)

-          Page numbers used (if you only used a section of the book)

-          If you use an online version of a book (such as through a library database), include access information: the date you looked at the book online, the URL, the name of the database you used, and what institution provided access to the online version


Below are citations for three different books.  Each is cited first in MLA style, then in APA style.  Notice the formatting, punctuation and capitalization for each.


Citation for a book with more than one author:


MLA Style


Boni, William C. and Gerald L. Kovacich.  I-Way Robbery: Crime on the Internet.  Boston:  Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999. Print.



APA Style

Boni, W.C. and Kovacich, G.L.   (1999).   I-Way robbery:  Crime on the internet.  Boston:  Butterworth-Heinemann.



Citation for a book with an editor and separate author for the chapter used


MLA Style


Dick, Susan.  “Literary Realism in Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, Orlando and The Waves.”  The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf.  Ed. Sue Roe and Susan Sellers.  Cambridge:  Cambridge UP, 2000.  50-71. Print.


APA Style


Dick, S.  (2000).  Literary realism in Mrs. Dalloway, To the lighthouse, Orlando and The waves.  In S. Roe & S. Sellers (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to Virginia Woolf (pp. 50-71).  Cambridge: Cambridge UP.


Citation for a book in which one chapter was used


MLA Style


Chinn, Mike.  “Illustrating the Script.”  Writing and Illustrating the Graphic Novel: Everything You Need to Know to Create Great Graphic Works.  Hauppauge, NY: Barron's, 2004. 70-113. Print.



APA Style


Chinn, M. (2004). Illustrating the script. In Writing and illustrating the graphic novel: Everything you need to know to create great graphic works (pp. 70-113). Hauppauge, NY: Barron's .




Online Book Available Through a Library Database:






















MLA Style:


Mabe, Dave.  BlackBerry Hacks.  Sebastopol, CA:  O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2005.  Safari Tech Books Online.  Web.  14 June 2006.



APA Style:


Mabe, D.  (2005).  BlackBerry hacks.  Sebastopol, CA:  O’Reilly Media, Inc.  Retrieved June 14, 2006, from Northern Virginia Community College, NOVA Libraries, Safari Web site:


Where to Learn More:


For additional details and explanations on how to cite books with other characteristics (such as anthologies or books that are translated), refer to the following print and online resources:

1.      A style manual

-          For MLA:  MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (call number LB2369 .G53 2009); in the INDEX, look up “Books,” then look for the “in works cited” section.
-          For APA:  Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (call number BF76.7 .P83 2001); in the TABLE OF CONTENTS, check the “Reference List” chapter for the Books, Brochures and Book Chapters section.

2.      Online citation sites: