Northern Virginia
Community College
The following points regarding attendance and grades should be noted and
followed by all NVCC students:
- A student who does not meet attendance requirements for a class as specified
by faculty is subject to being withdrawn.
- If withdrawal occurs before or at the 60 percent date for the class,
a student will be assigned a grade of W.”
- If withdrawal occurs after the 60 percent date for the class, a student
will be assigned a grade of “F” or “U.”
- A student also has the option to initiate withdrawals under certain conditions
- Before the 60 percent date for any class, a student may use NovaConnect
to withdraw himself or herself from class and receive a grade of “W.”
- After the 60 percent date for any class, a student must use a
withdrawal form (NVCC 125-47: Withdrawal Initiated by Student) to withdraw
from class. (Direct student use of NovaConnect will result in a grade
of “F” or “U” being automatically assigned by the system.)
- If, after the 60 percent date for the class, a student completes the
specified form and presents mitigating circumstances and appropriate documentation
to justify withdrawal without academic penalty and if the request
receives the approval of the faculty member and dean, he or she will be
assigned a grade of “W.”
- Students receiving federal financial aid and veterans’ benefits should
be aware that issues of attendance and resulting non-productive grades can
adversely affect their eligibility for assistance and result in financial
liability. More specific information on the effect may be obtained from
the current Student Services Financial Aid brochure and from the campus
financial aid advisors.
Academic and Student Services
Rev 3-9-2006