EXAM 1 - REFERENCE SOURCES To do this exercise, you will need to use the reference sources listed below. You may e-mail your Course Instructor for assistance. After e-mailing (see web-site for email instructions, do not send as an attachment) this completed exam to your course instructor, you should receive a response and a grade from the instructor within two weeks. Remember to keep a copy of your work. Type your research topic here: Indicate which style manual or style web site you are using here: 1. Look up your topic in two of the general encyclopedias listed in this unit. Prepare a bibliography entry for each article according to your style manual or website. Bib entry 1 - Bib entry 2 - 2. Find additional information on your topic in two other reference sources Use a specialized encyclopedia or one other type of reference source described in this unit. Prepare a bibliographic for each, using your style manual or website as a guide. Bib entry 1 - Bib entry 2 - 3. Include an evaluation of each of the four articles or sources you chose, using the criteria from the Evaluation Guide for Reference Sources . Bib entry 1 - Bib entry 2 - Bib entry 3 - Bib entry 4 - 4. Log onto the discussion and provide an answer to the question for Unit 1- Reference Sources discussion thread. Copy the answer from the discussion and paste it here.