EXAM 3 - NEWSPAPERS To do this exercise, you will need to use the databases listed below. You may e-mail your Course Instructor for assistance. After e-mailing (see web-site for email instructions, do not send as an attachment) this completed exam to your course instructor, you should receive a response and a grade from the instructor within two weeks. Remember to keep a copy of your work. Type your research topic here: Indicate which style manual or style web site you are using here: 1. Look up your topic in ProQuest Direct Newspapers and SIRS Collection. Using both indexes, find at least one reference in each database, identify four newspaper articles on your topic from at least two different newspapers, and prepare a bibliographic entry for each of the four articles. Bib entry 1 - Bib entry 2 - Bib entry 3 - Bib entry 4 - 2. Locate the full-text of one of the four articles and print a copy of the first page. Ask a librarian if you need help. The copy you print must be turned in as part of this assignment. 3 Write an evaluation of each of the four articles you read. Use the "Guide for Evaluating Newspaper Information Sources". Bib entry 1 - Bib entry 2 - Bib entry 3 - Bib entry 4 - 4. Log onto the discussion and provide an answer to the question for the Unit 3 - Newspaper discussion thread. Copy the answer from the discussion and paste it here.