Catalog Database |
VCCS Linc is a
database of cataloged materials (books and audio visual items) that provides:
- organized collection of information displayed as records
- records of bibliographic information arranged in
- fields including author, title, call number, campus
location, subject, and publication facts
- physical
descriptions, table of contents, other authors, series, notes,
Materials included |
- books and audiovisual materials (CDs, videos,
- collections at all six NVCC campuses
- community college collections in Virginia
- links to collections of 4-year institutions
- items by keyword, author, title, subject,
and call number
- magazines and newspapers titles (listing holdings
of each campus)
Materials Not
Included |
- magazines and newspapers articles
- pamphlets
Organization of Materials |
- by subject, so that items on the same subject will be found together
- subjects arranged according to Library of Congress
Classification System
- each item has a unique call number assigned to it
- call number is a code which determines where the item will be filed
on the shelves, and the code is derived from the Library of Congress Classification System
Library Cards |
Be sure to stop by any NVCC campus and obtain your student photo ID. Your student
identification card is also your library card. |
Access |
VCCS Linc , the NVCC Library
Catalog |
Shelving Graphic |
A graphic to illustrate call
number order. |
Intercampus Loan |
Materials from any NVCC
campus are available to NVCC students via an Intercampus Loan (ICL) system,
allow 3 days, free service. |
Item Return |
Materials may be
returned at NVCC campus regardless of which campus they were checked out from. |
Fines |
NVCC does not currently
charge fines, but holds are placed on the records of students with outstanding library
materials. |
Special Collections
& Alternate Locations |
Occasionally library
materials are housed in a special location which is indicated by a word or letter
next to the call number.
- R or Ref - reference collection
- AV - non print collections
- S - career materials or easy reading books
- Folio - items, such as art books too large to fit on standard library
Finding Books |
View helpful hints for using the catalog |
History |
- library catalogs have appeared in many formats including cabinets
filled with 3 x 5 cards, microform, compact discs, and more recently on-line computer
- formats may change, but the catalog purpose remains the same , it
serves as an index to cataloged library materials
- "call number" dates back to days when patrons were
prohibited from browsing the book stacks themselves.
- patrons used the catalog to determine what items they needed and they
would "call" for the books by giving the librarian the call numbers
- most libraries allow patrons to browse the shelves, with one
exception, the Library of Congress