Calculus and Its Applications - MyLab Access (18 Week).
Pearson. Bittinger, Marvin L. Edition: 2ND 20.
ISBN 13: 8220117027109 (Bookstore ONLY).
Pearson ISBN: 9780135960417 (purchase from Pearson direct).
MyMathLab Code provides access to the publisher's copy of the electronic textbook and an online interactive platform. You need this product to complete problems in order to earn Mastery Points and take Quizzes. Take a moment to read the Student Registration Handout in the Canvas Welcome section. It contains instructions for registering, plus the course ID.
Only scientific calculators are permitted for assessments.
The optional materials for this course are:
Graphing calculators are PERMITTED for homework and quizzes only (not assessments).
Suggested graphing calculators are: TI-83 or TI-84. **Note that TI-89, TI-92, and similar calculators equipped with CAS are NOT allowed for this course.
For instructions on using a graphing calculator, see Graphing Calculator Manual for TI-83 Plus, TI-84-Plus, and TI-89 by Patricia Humphrey