Meeting the Needs of All Students
- CO4 Identify diverse approaches to classroom management based upon behavioral, cognitive, affective, social and ecological theory and practice.
- CO5 Explain how diversity influences the dynamics of a class.
- CO6 Describe characteristics of a classroom that are reflective of all students.
- CO7 Identify factors that may negatively impact student success in the classroom.
- CO8 Discuss the role of Response-to-Intervention in effectively managing a classroom.
Classroom Communities
- CO9 List and reflect on strategies for culturally sensitive communication.
- CO10 Describe strategies for effectively listening to students.
- CO11 Analyze the importance of establishing positive, supportive and professional relationships with students.
- CO12 Explain the process for developing a classroom community.
- CO13 List strategies for communicating effectively with parents.
Managing the Learning Environment
- CO14 Differentiate between behavior, misbehavior, and discipline.
- CO15 Describe how to establish a classroom learning environment at the beginning of the school year to promote positive student behavior.
- CO16 Develop classroom rules, routines and structures.
- CO17 Create a classroom management plan.
Positive Behavior Interventions for Schools and Classrooms
- CO18 Identify professionally appropriate practices that promote positive redirection of behavior, development of social skills and of self-discipline.
- CO19 Describe positive behavior supports and interventions.
- CO20 Explain how to use language to positively reinforce student behavior.
- CO21 Describe how to effectively respond to minor misbehaviors.
Self-Regulation & Goal Setting
- CO22 Describe how to conduct an effective class meeting.
- CO23 Identify techniques to hold students accountable and promote self-discipline.
- CO24 Describe the steps for goal setting.
- CO25 Instructional planning to promote positive behaviors.
- CO26 Describe student academic needs that impact behavior.
- CO27 Analyze instructional strategies to increase student involvement.
- CO28 Explain how to incorporate cooperative learning into instruction.
- CO29 Create a differentiated lesson plan.
- School Safety Plans
CO30 Describe various school crisis management and safety plans.