Please read the learning that will take place in each area of study:
- Introduction to Java Applications: Students will learn to code, compile, and run a basic Java program. Introductory assignment statements, and operators will be covered.
- Control Structures: Students will learn how to develop control structures using structured programming techniques. They will investigate looping and iterative processes.
- Strings and Character Manipulation: Students will discover how to use string and character manipulation statements.
- Methods: Students will discover how to write java methods, a way to develop and maintain a large program through construction of small, simple pieces or modules.
- Arrays: Students will discover how to use arrays- i.e., a group of related items. This is the first lesson in data structures that are used by Java.
- Inheritance and Polymorphism: Students will discover the use of inheritance and polymorphism. Inheritance allows for the creation of new classes from existing classes by absorbing their attributes and behaviors and enhancing these with capabilities the new classes require. Polymorphism allows for the addition of new capabilities to a system.