In order to successfully complete this course, you must demonstrate your understanding of the course materials by:

Here is an overview of all of the different types of assignments in the course. You can find the detailed directions for the assignments and the grading rubrics in the module where they are assigned.

Online Discussions

You will be required to actively participate in a series ofonline discussions based upon course readings and other Internet research assigned to you. You will be posting your responses to the questions in each of the discussions; your response must be clearly written and at least two paragraphs long. You will be responding to your peers postings to the discussions. The goal is to simulate the quality of discussion that takes place in traditional classroom settings. You are required to visit the discussions several times during the week to see what other students have to say. It is crucial for a passing grade that you do not wait until the end of the week to join the discussion -- you must log in more than once, beginning early in the week.


Postings in Assignments will provide you with a schedule for completing the assigned readings and the specific works to read on a weekly basis.

Unit Projects

There will be a project for each of the four units. These will vary in content but will be aligned with the readings, discussions, etc.

Proctored Assessments

See the Taking Proctored Assessments Module for more information on taking the proctored assessments.