Your course grade will be determined by successful completion of the following assignments:

Assignment Points Percentages
Homework Assignments on Connect (11 in total) 110 11%
Smartbook (11 in total) 110 11%

Quizzes (11 in total)

220 22%
SLO Assessment (not available in this semester) 0 0%
Introduction 10 1%

• Exam 1 - 150 points (proctored assessment*)

• Exam 2 - 150 points (proctored assessment*)

• Exam 3 - 150 points (proctored assessment*)

• Exam 4 - 100 points on Connect

*60% combined average required to pass the course

550 55%
Total 1000 100%

Final Course Grade

NOVA Online proctored or major assessments are required to maintain compliance with our accreditation standards and the Higher Education Act’s identity verification requirements for online courses. College-wide, proctored or major assessments must prove identity. To accomplish this in online courses, students must show overall passing levels on the proctored or major assessments in order to pass the course.

In this online course, if your average score on all proctored or major assessments is a passing percentage of 60 percent or higher, then your grade will be calculated according to the scale in the table below. Otherwise, a final grade of F will be assigned.

Your final grade will be based on the following scale.

Grade Points Percent
A 900-1000 90-100
B 800-899 80-89
C 700-799 70-79
D 600-699 60-69
F 0-599 0-59

Evaluation-Extra Credit

Nova values your feedback on every course. This is important to us as we work to improve our instruction and course design. Each semester, course evaluations are made available near the end of the session. You should be sent an email when these are available. Please be sure to complete for this course before the end date (usually a few days before the course ends). Your professor does not have access to your actual ratings or comments (until after your final grades are posted) but will know the percent of students who complete the evaluation.

As an incentive to complete your evaluation, your professor will award you 5 points extra credit if 70% of the class completes. Please help us by completing your evaluation as soon as it is available. The extra credit will be awarded by your professor when the evaluation closes (a few days before the course ends) if 70% of the class completes.