Course Grading

Please review this section carefully before beginning your course work. This policy applies equally to every student enrolled in this class. It is NOT subject to change.

ALL work must be completed on time according to the course schedule and weekly assignments in order to pass this class. This includes all forums, assignments, quizzes, and proctored assessments. You are responsible for insuring that these goals are met. How well you do in this class depends totally on you!

Extensions for assignments, quizzes or proctored assessments are rarely permitted. If you feel that you qualify for an extension, please send me a separate email detailing the need for an extension. Any decision regarding an extension is at my sole discretion.

Your final course grade will be determined by the following percentages.

Assignment Points Percentage of Grade

1 Discussion Introduction Forum


8 Quizzes @ 25 points each 200 29.5%
5 Written Assignments @ 20 points each 100 14%
7 MindTap Video Cases @ 10 points each 70 10%
1 MindTap You Decide Part I 10 1%
10 MindTap You Decide Part II @ 10 points each 100 14%
1 Final Reflection Journal 10 1%

2 Proctored Assessments* @ 100 points each

 *60% combined average required to pass the course

200 29.5%
Total 700 100%

NOVA Online proctored or major assessments are required to maintain compliance with our accreditation standards and the Higher Education Act’s identity verification requirements for online courses. College-wide, proctored or major assessments must prove identity. To accomplish this in online courses, students must show overall passing levels on the proctored or major assessments in order to pass the course.

In this online course, if your average score on all proctored or major assessments is a passing percentage of 60 percent or higher, then your grade will be calculated according to the scale in the table below. Otherwise, a final grade of F will be assigned.

Your final grade will be based on the following scale.

Grade Points Percent of Grade
A 630-700 90-100
B 560-629 80-89
C 490-559 70-79
D 420-489 60-69
F 0-419 0-59