In order to successfully complete this course, you must demonstrate your understanding of the course materials by:

Here is an overview of all of the different types of assignments in the course. You can find detailed directions for the assignments and the grading rubrics in the unit where they are assigned.


The quizzes are a reflection of the proctored assessments. They can help you monitor your learning, familiarize you with the testing environment in Canvas, and prepare you for the proctored assessments.

The purpose of the quizzes is to prepare you for your proctored assessments and allow you to see content areas that might still be a challenge for you to recall without looking up answers. For that reason, quizzes are to be taken on your own without using any outside help. That includes your text, notes, any electronic devices, or web sites other than the quiz website, or other human beings.  According to your Student Handbook, doing any of these things is a clear violation of NOVA's academic integrity policy, which reads in part (emphasis is ours):

Be sure you have read the full text of the NOVA Student Handbook and the Academic Integrity Policy.  It describes academic integrity in detail and lists the consequences of working without academic integrity.

Module Assignments

The module assignments provide you with hands-on exercises related to the concepts learned in each module. You will be able to see the relevance of your learning with real-life situations and share your experiences with the class.

The module assignments include individual assignments, class discussions, and group discussions. Please follow the general discussion guideline [PDF] for all of the discussions.


Your instructor will give you instructions on how to complete the lab activities. Some may be completed individually, and a few may require collaborations with fellow students. The lab schedule varies depending on the instructor, section, and campus. Please follow the instructions for the labs posted in the Labs module of your Canvas course site.  

Proctored Assessments

There are four proctored assessments in the course. The exams are closed-book. Any electronic devices (cell phones, electronic translators, computers, iPads, and similar tools) during testing times are not to be used. To prepare yourself for the exams you may want to review the chapters, the quizzes, and the key concepts/ideas of each chapter.

You can find the information on how to take a proctored assessments in the Taking Proctored Assessments section of the Syllabus.