In order to successfully complete this course, you must demonstrate your understanding of the course materials by:

Here is an overview of all of the different types of assignments in the course. You can find detailed directions for the assignments in the module where they are assigned.


The tests can help you monitor your learning periodically, familiarize you with the testing environment in Canvas, and prepare you for the proctored assessment as they have similar types of questions.


Please follow the instructions for the labs posted by your instructor. The lab schedule varies depending on the instructor, section, and campus.  

Presentation Project

You will read a journal article about a new discovery in genetics and give a 5-minute presentation summarizing the significance of the article and explaining the research findings. The presentations will be given during the lab. You will also attend the presentations given by other students and submit the notes you take during these presentations.

Self-Check Quizzes

The Self-Check Quizzes can help you monitor your own learning of each chapter. Questions from the self-check quizzes will show up on the exams. The only effective method for mastering Genetics is to understand and solve problems. Please make sure you know how to solve the problems in the self-check quizzes.

Proctored Assessments

There are two exams in the course. You are required to take the exams in a proctored environment. They are closed-book exams. Simple, non-graphing calculators are allowed during the exam, but other electronic devices (cell phones, electronic translators, computers, iPads, and similar tools) during testing times are not to be used. Sample exams are provided to help you prepare for the exams. You can find the information on how to take a proctored assessment in the Taking Proctored Assessments section of the Syllabus.