Here is an overview of all of the different types of assignments in the course. You can find the detailed directions for the assignments and the grading rubrics in the module where they are assigned.

Case Assignments

Case Assignments require students to provide personal analysis and insight regarding topics and scenarios presented in the textbook.

Discussion Boards

Discussion board assignments give students the opportunity to expand on course topics and learn from the experiences of their classmates.


Journal assignments cover topics on the materials presented in each module. Students are encouraged to reflect on their learning and comprehension of the materials.

Learning Checks

The Learning Checks (or quizzes) are reviews of the assigned materials. They are multiple choice and worth 20 points each. You will have two attempts for each Learning Check.

Book Review

You will write a review of the book you have read consisting of two parts, an abstract and an appraisal. The appraisal is the more important part.

The purposes of the book review are (1) to extend your knowledge, (2) to encourage you to explore a topic that interests you, and (3) to stimulate a critical attitude toward what you read.

Keirsey Sorter

The purpose of Keirsey Sorter is to determine your individual personality as an aid to becoming an effective manager.

Midterm and Final (Proctored Assessments)

Both proctored assessments are worth 250 points and are closed-book.

Each proctored assessment will consist of two (2) Case Studies drawn from materials covered in the chapters and work studied leading up to the exam. Each case will cover an important concept. You should prepare by studying all materials in the Modules studied. The cases for Exam 2 can be drawn for all materials covered in the course. If you review all materials studied to make sure you have a grasp of the concepts you should do very well on these assessments.