Course Grades

Your course grade will be determined according to the following percentages.

Assigments Points Percentage
Discussions 75 7
Reflections 60  6
Reading Responses 180 1 8
Exams-2@ 200 Total* 200  20
Manipulative Report 35  3
Science Exploration Activity (Lab)  150  15
Math Center Activity (Lab) 150  15
Social Studies Book Description:     
  Social Studies Book 150  15
Total 1000  100

Grading Scale

Your final grade will be based on the following scale. You must pass proctored tests with a combined passing score of 120/200 points, in addition to achieving a passing average on all the assignments, to pass this course.

Grade Points Percentage
A 900-1000 90-100
B 800-899 80-89
C 700-799 70-79
D 600-699 60-69
F 599 and below 59-0

Extra Credit is already embedded in the course. You are not required to complete it.