In order to successfully complete this course, you must demonstrate your understanding of the course materials by:
Here is an overview of all the different types of assignments in the course. You can find detailed directions for the assignments and the grading rubrics in the module where they are assigned.
The zyBook Reading Assignments contain various interactive activities, including Participation Activities. These learning activities provide immediate feedback with scores and hints. You will earn credit for correct answers. Multiple attempts are allowed.
The zyBooks Challenge and zyLab Programming assignments include practicing the covered skills and various short coding problems. The problems require you to apply and focus on what you learned from the current module. The zyLabs provide immediate feedback with scores and hints. You will earn credit for passed tests. Multiple submissions are allowed.
The Mini-Projects will provide opportunities to solve problems and implement solutions through Programming with Python. This will involve submitting files with your solutions and will also involve creating a video, that shows your face, to present the solution of your program. This will count as a proctored assessment.
The discussions will require you to participate in an initial response and two comments. These assignments will help you to connect the topics covered in the moudles to the real-world.
The quizzes will require you to check your understanding of the concepts within each chapter.
The midterm and final exams are proctored assessments for the course, meaning that you are required to show your ID at the beginning of each exam. You will take the proctored assessments via LockDown Browser and Monitor. The proctored assessments allow you to demonstrate your mastery of the course knowledge. You can find the information on taking proctored assessments in the Taking Proctored Assessments section of the Syllabus.