In order to successfully complete this course, you must demonstrate your understanding of the course materials by:
Here is an overview of all of the different types of assignments in the course. You can find detailed directions for the assignments in the module where they are assigned.
The Syllabus Quiz is a quick ten question multiple choice quiz which covers important course information in the syllabus and course site. This quiz checks your understanding of important information in the syllabus and serves as an agreement of what to expect from the instructor and course. This quiz is worth ten points.
There are five discussion boards at 20 points each. The discussion boards serve as a safe space for interaction and conversation. They also further our understanding of course learning outcomes. In an asynchronous online course, discussion boards are in lieu of face to face interaction. All discussion boards have unique topics based on module learning objectives. You are expected to write initial posts and respond to classmates in discussion boards. The total of the points from discussion boards is 100.
In the My Frame of Reference Speech, you will record and upload to Canvas a short speech. Your instructor and classmates will view and comment on your speech. This speech must discuss components of your frame of reference, self-concept, and perception. This speech is worth 30 points.
The Film Analysis paper requires you to apply three interpersonal communication concepts (perception, verbal communication, and emotions) to relationships in a popular film. The goal of this paper is to improve our interpersonal communication competence by understanding and applying how these concepts affect interpersonal relationships. This is your only formal paper in the course and must be in MLA or APA format. The paper is worth 50 points.
In the Film Analysis Presentation (speech), you will screen split and submit a presentation in which you apply three interpersonal communication theories to relationships in a popular film. The goal of this presentation is to improve our interpersonal communication competence by understanding and applying how these theories affect relationships. This presentation requires you to create a PowerPoint Presentation. You will share the screen giving a speech while showing your PowerPoint Presentation on the film. This presentation is worth 50 points.
The purpose of this assignment is to work with others to develop a dynamic presentation (with embedded narration) that is intended to improve an interpersonal communication situation. Your group will select an interpersonal communication situation problem to investigate, explain, and create a plan for improving. The presentation will require collaboration with other classmates, ethical and creative research, and a cohesive PowerPoint presentation. The presentation will be an extensive project and the final product should be between 15-20 minutes. This group project is work 75 points.
In association with the ICW, the Group Project Charter requires you to work with your Interpersonal Communication Workshop group members to develop a plan, decide on group roles, and discuss approaches to small group conflict. The charter is clear and concise yet sets the tone for the project. The charter is worth ten points.
In association with the ICW, individual group members are required to “check-in” at least three time to update the professor on their Interpersonal Communication Workshops status. Each “check-in” should be brief (one paragraph),address any questions or concerns the group may have, and completed by each student individually. There are three check-ins worth five points each.
There are two proctored assessments in the course, Exam 1 and Exam 2. The proctored assessments are closed-book. Any electronic devices (cell phones, electronic translators, computers, iPads, and similar tools) during testing times are not to be used. It is to check your understanding of the concepts learned in the course. Exams are not accumulative and consist of multiple choice and short answer questions. To prepare yourself for the proctored assessments you may want to review the chapters and the key concepts/ideas of each chapter.
Each exam is worth 50 points.