Course Prerequisites

Recommended fluency in Standard American English and proficiency in reading and writing at English 111 level. Prior completion of at least one of the following CST courses is recommended: CST 100, CST 110, CST 126, CST 227, or CST 229.

Course Description

Introduces the field of communication, emphasizing perspectives on theory and research, topical areas within the discipline, basic research methodologies, and a survey of theories in those areas. Covers basic procedures for theorybuilding, research, and writing about communication.

General Course Purpose

Provides students with an overview of communication studies as an academic discipline through a survey of foundational theories in the field, an introduction to communication scholarship and research methodologies, and provides a gateway for students to transfer to a four-year baccalaureate program in communication. Course is principally designed for students planning to transfer for a major or minor in Communication Studies at a four-year program.