This course is being taught completely online. You must have access to a computer and the World Wide Web to participate in this course. Your assignments for this course will be of several types:
I expect you to:
You are expected to avoid plagiarism by properly citing your use of the words and ideas of others. You are expected to adhere to the rights of artists as supported by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Any images you use on the site must be available to you via a creative commons license or express permission and you must give appropriate credit and abide by all restrictions.
With the ever-evolving world of blogging and social media coming into play in this course, you are going to see both good and bad behavior when it comes to observation of copyright. In short, this is what you need to know: content you find on the internet was always created by someone else and, whether or not they directly state this, that material is automatically protected by copyright law. They do not have to tell you it's copyrighted. They do not have to register the copyright. You cannot copy and paste their material without their permission.
Be a good internet citizen.