In order to successfully complete this course, you must demonstrate your intercultural communication competency through:

Here is an overview of all the different types of assessments for this course. You can find detailed directions for the assignments in the module where they are assigned.

Discussion Board Posts

In this course you will complete five discussion board assignments. The purpose of these assignments is to exchange examples and reflections regarding how intercultural communication concepts and theories are applied outside of the classroom. Please read your classmates' responses to gain a greater understanding of diverse voices and our different experiences with culture and communication.

For each assignment, you are expected to read the directions carefully, respond to all of the discussion prompts, providing support and example for your responses, and then return to the discussion board before the due date to engage in thoughtful discussion with your classmates. For your reply threads, provide feedback (reply) to at least two of your fellow class members' initial posts reflecting on your experiences and how they relate to what was written (to continue the conversation). 

Knowledge Check Quizzes

Each module features a Knowledge Check quiz which tests your knowledge and comprehension of your course readings (this includes the textbook and assigned external readings). These quizzes vary in length, depending on the number of assigned readings for each module (between 4 questions and 12 questions). Quizzed are required and scored automatically.

Quizzes are “open book” – which means you can use your class notes and/or textbook to complete the quiz, but you may not consult with any persons, including current or former students, or search via other Internet or Homework sites. Any evidence of academic misconduct (cheating) will result in failure of the quiz and referral to the academic dean. You only have one attempt (timed) to complete each quiz.

Quizzes are not proctored. You do not need to log in on one specific day or time, and you will not be video-recorded taking your quiz.

Proctored Assessments (Tests)

There are two proctored assessments (test 1 and test 2) in this course. The purpose of these tests are to verify your identity and test your comprehension of the course concepts. Each test is timed and you have one attempt to complete. The tests are closed-book and proctored using Respondus Monitor and Lockdown Browser. Each test is presented in its own module with a study guide to help you prepare for the assessment. You must earn at least 60% across both tests to pass this course (regardless of other points earned).

Please find the information on how to take a proctored assessment in the Taking Proctored Assessments section below.


In this course you will complete two projects to apply your knowledge and skills of intercultural communication. These assignments span multiple modules and concepts, as well as address NOVA Core Learning Outcomes of written communication, critical thinking, and civic engagement.

Cultural Identity Paper

Your first project is the Cultural Identity Paper. The purpose of this project is for you to explore the influence of culture on your identity, worldview and communication style. In this 5-6 page essay you will analyze yourself using the terms and theories we’ve discussed in class. You are assessed on the quality of your arguments, relation to class theory, coherence, and adherence to the guidelines posted on Canvas.

Intercultural Conversation

Your second project is the Intercultural Conversation project, in which you will apply your intercultural verbal, nonverbal, and listening skills in an interview with your classmate. In this partner assignment you will have the opportunity to practice your intercultural conversation skills with a class partner and learn more about his or her cultural beliefs on relationships. You will meet with your partner (using Zoom) and have a conversation for about 30 minutes, then you will provide a summary of your experience in a well written 2-3 page reflection.