In order to successfully complete this course, you must demonstrate your understanding of the course materials by:

Major Assessments

The major assessments provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your mastery of the course knowledge. The first major assessment is a deadline writing exam, which mimics a real-world journalism environment where you will produce an inverted-pyramid style story. The Reported Story Project in Module 4 is the other major assessment in this course, broken down into several assignments to mimic the work of a journalist working in the field. You can find more detailed information about the Reported Story Project in Module 4.

Reported Story and Reported Story Multimedia Component

Your reported story will be a feature story. This assignment will require you to get out in your community, to observe, and to interview multiple people. There are multiple required steps along the way -- pitching the story, writing interview questions, two drafts -- that will help you succeed. You will also create a simple multimedia component to add appeal to your story. 

Be a Journalist Challenge Tasks

These activities are designed to mimic the real-world work of journalists working in the field. They provide you an opportunity to practice skills you will demonstrate in your final Reported Story project.


There are three short Module quizzes, a combination of multiple choice and short answers, to help demonstrate your engagement with course materials and to help prepare you for the various steps of the writing journalistic writing process.


The discussion activities provide you with an opportunity to analyze some of the concepts introduced in the Module and to interact with your peers. Additionally, you will compare and contrast the ideas of your classmates in response to their posts. Reviewing and commenting can prepare you for the quizzes and the major assessments. Online discussion allows time to weave your thoughts and reflect on the readings and your experiences. All of the posts on the discussion board are required to be thoughtful, reflective, and concise.

Social Annotation Exercises

These exercises provide you the opportunity to engage with readings collaboratively with your peers. These activities will boost your engagmement and your comprehension.

Journalists Journal

These reflective writing exercises provide you the opportunity to think more deeply about the concepts and ideas studied in each module and how you will apply them to your own journalistic writing.