Untitled Document If you complete this course and do well, you will be able to:
GOAL ONE: Conventions of journalistic writing and reporting - understand the conventions and norms of journalistic writing and reporting.
- identify the differences between news, features, and editorial writing
- master basic principles to determine whether a story is newsworthy
- write news stories using the inverted pyrami d and other story forms appropriate to journalism
- demonstrate basic mastery of the conventions of journalistic writing
- report and write articles about varying topics and in varying styles
- read and discuss news stories
- edit stories for grammar and content
GOAL TWO: Law and Ethics in Journalism - understand the necessity to engage in ethical journalism and to follow key laws.
- recognize the role of ethics and law in modern journalism
- evaluate issues relating to freedom of the press
- identify laws that limit freedom of the press, particularly libel laws
- appropriately apply ethical principles to journalistic dilemmas
GOAL THREE: The Media in the 21st Century - understand key changes that impact news gathering and delivery.
- identify historical changes that have impacted modern news gathering and delivery
- distinguish online and broadcast journalism and from print traditional versions
- identify and employ strategies for composing multimedia stories