Discussions are a place where students can collaborate, learn from each other’s life experiences, and share their passion for history. These discussions also require strong research, writing, and analytical skills, as the questions are challenging. In some modules, students will be placed in groups to explore a question or problem. Students are only required to complete FOUR of the Discussion Boards for their grades. The Module 1 Introduction and Module 2 Final Project Brainstorm are required. However, students may choose to complete ANY four of the remaining seven Discussion Boards to complete this requirement. Additionally, students may choose to complete a fifth Discussion Board for extra credit. Students should take the discussions seriously, as they are worth 25 percent of their final grade.
There are two major essays/papers required: (1) Primary Source Analysis Paper (2) Annotated Bibliography (based on research for the Final Project). Each assignment is worth 10 percent of the final grade, which equals 20 percent of the total grade.
Students will select a final project from four options. Three of the options are more of the multimedia variety, in which students can demonstrate their knowledge of history through the creation of videos, websites, and other options. The final option is a more traditional research paper. Students are only required to pick one option. Students will work on the Final Project throughout much of the course. It is worth 25 percent of the final grade.
The Midterm and Final are a combination of identification of terms and events and essay questions. Each proctored assessment is worth 100 points and 15 percent of the final grade (30 percent total).