If you do well in this course, you will be able to:
- Describe the historical evolution of women's roles and status in American society.
- Demonstrate their understanding of the relationship between key historical events and societal changes in American history impact on women and ideas about women.
- Examine the impact of race, class, ethnicity and region on the changing status of women in American history.
- Describe and put into context the evolution of women's culture, for example the emergence of cultural feminism and women's political, economic and social rights.
- Explore the interrelationships between constructions of gender, race, class and sexuality.
- Recognize the evolution of women's legal status, from the doctrine of femme covert to the debate over the Equal Rights Amendment.
- Develop an understanding of history as an academic discipline and appreciate its relevance to the lives of contemporary people.
- Practice and demonstrate the ability to analyze text, images, and multimedia in accordance with college and historical writing standards.
History courses will serve a general education support function for liberal Arts and other college curricula, helping NVCC students prepare for transfer to other colleges and universities, and will provide enrichment for persons interested in learning more about the past.