If you complete this course and do well, you will be able to:
- Through written, visual, and/or oral presentations, describe and construct responses to themes from
early civilizations through later medieval time periods in western and non-western cultures.
Critical Thinking
- Analyze topics in western and non-western cultures linking overarching questions through
examining the humanities.
Cultural and Social Understanding
- Demonstrate understanding of cultural foundations regarding the Humanities and its effect on the
greater world.
The Arts
- Identify and classify the various forms of the fine and decorative arts, noting their stylistic
relationships to the cultures from which they come, as well as their development from prehistory up
to the respective medieval period.
- Recognize and critique key works of literature and their cultural importance, both to their original
time in antiquity and to their historical influence, with an emphasis on epic poetry and mythology.
Religion and Philosophy
- Summarize and evaluate the central beliefs, positions, and practices of the most prominent religious
and philosophical systems and their impact and development with their respective originating cultures and the world at large, with emphasis on the eastern and
western traditions in antiquity.
Music and Theatre Arts
- Recognize innovation and changes within music, theatre, and dance arts.