This course is the first semester of a four-semester curriculum covering networking concepts, design, implementation, management and operation. This course lays the groundwork for the remaining three courses in the internetworking sequence. The foundation of these courses is a computer-based training (CBT) modules developed by Cisco Systems. In this course you will complete your work in 8 weeks. The course is highly compressed requiring extensive reading; there are quizzes and lab assignments that you will need to complete on a weekly basis. I urge you to stay focused and exercise careful time management to complete the course in 8-weeks. You will not be able to register in ITN 155, the second CCNA module unless you pass this course. On the bright side, you will be able to complete ITN 154 and ITN 155 in just one semester (16 weeks). The course introduces the functions of each layer of the ISO/OSI reference model, data link and network addresses, data encapsulation, different classes of IP addresses and subnetting, and the functions of the TCP/IP network-layer protocols.


Entry Level Competencies: College level reading and writing ability.