If you do well in this course, you will be able to describe and complete the following:
1.0 Operating System Basics
1.1 Role of the Operating System (OS) in computer architecture
1.2 Relationship of the OS to BIOS and device drivers
1.3 Interaction between OS and Operating Environment (OE)
1.4 User Interfaces ‐ commands vs. GUIs (SA3)
2.0 Hardware Requirements
2.1 Essential elements of communications
2.2 Overview of LAN hardware and software
2.3 Server memory and processor concepts and requirements
3.0 File System Management
3.1 Types of file systems
3.2 Planning file systems
3.3 Accessing volumes, directories, and applications
3.4 Understanding and creating drive mappings
4.0 User/Group Management (SA2)
4.1 Creating accounts
4.2 Modifying accounts
4.3 Types of account groups
4.4 Managing groups
5.0 Security Management
5.1 Understanding printer objects
5.2 File and directory permissions/attributes
5.3 Share permissions
5.4 Login and password security
5.5 Operating system security features
5.6 Updates and patches (SA7)
5.7 Auditing (SA9)
6.0 Network Printing
6.1 Understanding printer objects
6.2 Printer communications
6.3 Connecting a printer to the network
6.4 Sending print jobs to network printers
6.5 Redirecting output to the network printers
6.6 Managing printer connections and print jobs
7.0 Server Management
7.1 Startup procedures and configuration files (SA6)
7.2 Performance management and optimization (SA9)
7.3 Managing virtual memory
7.4 Network messaging
7.5 Managing system services (SA10)
7.6 Backup and restoring data (SA12)
8.0 Installation of a Network Operating System
8.1 Network work group and domain concepts
8.2 Installation process (SA1)
8.3 Virtualization
9.0 Extra topics (optional)
9.1 Hands‐on Experience
9.2 Virus Protection
9.3 Network domain interaction
9.4 Network application installation