Grading Turnaround Time:

All completed assignments will be graded no later than seven days from the submission date, and sooner when possible.

Late Policy:

  1. No make-up for assessment and exams except for documented mitigating circumstances. An example of a mitigating circumstance is death in the immediate family or student’s illness as verified by a physician.
  2. Submitting assignments on time is expected of all students. All assignments must be submitted using Canvas. Emailed assignments will not be graded.
  3. Students must verify the correct assignment has been submitted by the due date. Blank copies and incorrect file format assignments will automatically receive 0 grade with no option to resubmit.
  4. You have a chance to submit up to two assignments late (excluding exams) no later than 72 hours past the due date. Any assignments submitted 5 minutes past the due date will automatically receive 0 grade. There is a 5% late penalty for assignments that are scheduled to be submitted before the end of class.

Incomplete Policy:

1. No make-up for assessment and exams except for documented mitigating circumstances. An example of a mitigating circumstance is death in the immediate family or student’s illness as verified by a physician.

2. Submitting assignments on time is expected of all students. All assignments must be submitted using Canvas. Emailed assignments will not be graded.

3. Students must verify the correct assignment has been submitted by the due date. Blank copies and incorrect file format assignments will automatically receive 0 grade with no option to resubmit.

4. You have a chance to submit up to two assignments late (excluding exams) no later than 72 hours past the due date. Any assignments submitted 5 minutes past the due date will automatically receive 0 grade. There is a 5% late penalty for assignments that are scheduled to be submitted before the end of class.

The incomplete grade is used for verifiable unavoidable reasons. If you have made significant progress in your course, your end date is near, and you have reasons that can be documented as unavoidable, you may request a grade of Incomplete. To request a grade of Incomplete for this course, you must:


Have satisfactorily completed 60 percent or more of the assignments (per VCCS policy).


Explain your extenuating circumstances in writing.


Provide a plan for completing the remaining assignments in writing (all work must be completed by the end of the subsequent semester).


The time you have to complete the course must be agreed upon with your instructor, but will be no more than one additional semester

Withdraw from the Course

For the specific course dates described below, refer to the Quick Start Syllabus mailed to you by NOVA Online. For additional information, see Critical Course Deadlines.

Your Options for Withdrawing:
(You must use myNOVA to complete a withdrawal).

Refund Date:

If you withdraw before this date, you will receive a refund and there will be no record of your enrollment.

Last Withdrawal Date without F:

If you withdraw after the refund date but before your Last Withdrawal Date, you will receive no refund and a grade of W.

If you withdraw after your last withdrawal date, you will receive no refund and a grade of F.

Instructor-Initiated Withdrawal

First Assignment Due Date:

You must submit any one assignment before the date specified by your Critical Course Deadlines or you will be administratively deleted without a refund. Check the Course Summary section of the Syllabus for specific requirements.

Additional Withdrawal Dates:

If you are not making satisfactory progress toward completion of the course, some faculty will withdraw you at other times during the semester. Check the Course Summary section of the Syllabus for specific requirements.