Here is an overview of all of the different types of assignments in the course. You can find the detailed directions for the assignments and the grading rubrics in the module where they are assigned.

Coding Practice Assignments

Coding Practice Assignments are practice questions that involve reviewing and writing Java code. These are designed to reinforce coding concepts and examples provided in the textbook. These are multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions that can be taken as many times as you would like in order to practice. You should complete these for each applicable chapter section before starting your programming assignments.

Programming Project

Students will work on a variety of programming projects throughout the course. Some weeks will require completion of 2 programming projects, others may only require completion of one.

Chapter Quizzes

Each chapter will have a quiz to reinforce the concepts from your readings. The questions will be true/false, multiple-choice and you will receive a grade once you have completed it from your home workstation.

MidTerm & Final - Proctored Assessments

A midterm and final proctored assessments will cover course material to reinforce the readings and programming concepts. Questions will consist of true/false and multiple-choice questions. These are proctored assessments with no notes allowed. You will receive your grade upon completion of each assessment.