Here is an overview of all of the different types of assignments in the course. You can find the detailed directions for the assignments and the grading rubrics in the module where they are assigned.

Five Independent Projects

These are practical exercises in which you will demonstrate your ability to apply what you have learned to create various processes and documents associated with real estate transactions -- constitute 12% each of the semester grade, for a total of 60% of the course grade from all five together.

Proctored Assessments

Two closed-book assessments test your acquisition of core knowledge/facts/terms, as well as your understanding of this knowledge in context. The Midterm Exam constitutes 20% of the course grade. The Final Exam (given in the final week of the semester) constitutes another 20% of the course grade.


Discussions are graded on a pass/fail basis. Your failure to complete, or failure to earn a passing grade on, these pass/fail activities will result in reduction in the final semester grade, from whatever it would otherwise be, as follows: and failure of 2 activities subtracts one grade letter; failure of a 3rd activity subtracts one additional grade letter.