Here is an overview of the different types of assignments in the course. For most of these assignments, you will find the detailed directions in OnMusic Fundamentals.
OnMusic Fundamentals features an online textbook, learning tools, assignments, and assessments. You will read each unit, practice the skills sets, and take a quiz after each unit. Quizzes are mostly true/false and multiple choice. Quizzes and the Midterm Exam and Final Exam are not proctored and are taken online at anytime you are ready. While there are dates next to each section, these dates are to be used only as a guide and are wise to follow, but will not be enforced. All work needs to be completed by the end of the semester.
Proctored Assessments 1 & 2 are taken online in Canvas and will have assigned due dates. The proctored assessments provide an opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the course information and material.