In this course, you will learn about: basic concepts of physics that are required for their full development into competent professionals and informed and informing citizens.

Course Description

PHY 232

Physics is the study of the natural world and an attempt to explain nature as an ordered system governed by a set of mathematical laws which are unchanging and universal. This course is the first of a two semester sequence in the study of the general principles of physics. It focuses on waves, electricity, magnetism, and optics

This course is a fully distance learning course offered by the Extended Learning Institute (ELI) of Northern Virginia Community College. This means that the entire course will be online using Canvas. Each week you will have reading assignments, homework, and laboratory activities. Some weeks will also include an exam. Be advised that some weeks may have multiple assignments in order to cover all the material.


NVCC has also two other physics sequences: PHY 101,102 Introduction to Physics I, II for non-science/liberal arts/ general studies majors, serving as an alternative physics course for those students having little or no algebra math skills, and PHY 201, 202 - algebra-based General College Physics I, II for pre-med, pre-vet, pre-dental, liberal arts and pre-teaching non-science majors.

Prerequisite for PHY 232 is MTH 174 - "Calculus with Analytic Geometry I" and and PHY 231 - General University Physics I. Students should be able to use the internet, a calculator and to do word-processing.