Your course grade will be determined by the following points/percentages.


There are a possible 60 points that can be earned for class participation over the semester. For any given discussion board, your participation can earn up to a possible 4 points. From time to time, extra credit questions will be posted to help you supplement your board participation grade when you did not earn the full 4 points.

Assigment Points Percentage
Class Participation/Discussions 60 15%
Writing Assignments (3):
  • Course Navigation (10 pts)
  • Annotated Bibliography (100 pts)
  • Course Reflection (20 pts)
    140 35%
    Proctored Assessments (2):
  • Midterm = 100 points
  • Final = 100 points
  • 200 50%
    Totals 400 100%

    Grading Scale

    NOVA Online proctored or major assessments are required to maintain compliance with our accreditation standards and the Higher Education Act’s identity verification requirements for online courses. College-wide, proctored or major assessments must prove identity. To accomplish this in online courses, students must show overall passing levels on the proctored or major assessments in order to pass the course.

    In this online course, if your average score on all proctored or major assessments is a passing percentage of 60 percent or higher, then your grade will be calculated according to the scale in the table below. Otherwise, a final grade of F will be assigned.

    Writing assignments that are late may be reduced in grade, one grade level per week late.

    Grade Points Percentage
    A 360-400 90-100
    B 320-359 80-89
    C 358-280 70-79
    D 279-240 60-69
    F 0-239 0-59