In order to successfully complete this course, you must demonstrate your understanding of the course materials by:

Here is an overview of all of the different types of assignments in the course. You can find detailed directions for the assignments and the grading rubrics in the module where they are assigned.

Discussion Activities

The discussion activities provide you with an opportunity to deeply reflect on the readings assigned to each module and apply them to a problem. An objective of the discussions is to create interaction among students in order to enhance critical thinking and knowledge of course concepts and theories. They can prepare you for the assignments and the proctored assessments. Online discussion allows time to weave your thoughts and reflect on the readings and your experiences. All of the posts on the discussion board are required to be thoughtful, reflective, and concise.


The assignments allow you to examine social issues in the real world. You will practice what you have learned in each module and apply it to analyze and solve real-world problems.


The objective of the journal entries is to encourage critical thinking around real-life social issues. To define critical thinking a bit further, you should be focused on writing NOT just ‘how I feel about...’ but ‘this is WHY I feel about..’ Main concepts from the given assignment in the form of video, scholarly articles, or textbook theory will be extracted to form the launching pad of your journal entries. You should include data and evidence from both the textbook and assigned material to support your statements.


The module chapters will reinforce your reading comprehension and overall understanding of the topics covered in each module.  These quizzes will only address learned material from the textbook. Graded quizzes can reinforce your understanding of the fundamental concepts and theories.

Proctored Assessments

There are two proctored assessments for this course, the midterm exam and the final exam. You will take the proctored assessments via LockDown Browser and Monitor and show your ID at the beginning of each exam. The proctored assessments provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your mastery of the course knowledge. You can find the information on how to take proctored assessments in the Taking Proctored Assessments section of the Syllabus.