Course Grades

Your course grade will be determined by assessments, reports, and assignments according to the following percentages.


Assignment Percentage
Quizzes and Discussion Posts 30%
Lab Assignments 20%
Cytology and Pathology Assessment (Midterm) 20%
Parasitology Assessment (Final) 30%
Essential Skills Videos Pass/Fail
TOTAL 100%

Grading Scale

*Students must demonstrate proficiency in both the lecture and lab portions of the course with a 75% or better to pass the class*. It will also be necessary to complete the course-specific skills in addition to passing the lecture and lab portions of this course to complete the course.

In order to pass the course, you must:

Grade Percentage
A 90% - 100%
B 80% - 89%
C 75% - 79%
D 70% - 74%
F 0% - 69%

No late assignments will be accepted.