Major Topics to be Covered:

Here is an overview of all of the different types of assignments in the course. You can find the detailed directions for the assignments and the grading rubrics in the module where they are assigned.

Discussion Boards

The discussion board assignments are generally based on material from or inspired by the textbook chapters and news related to animal pharmacology. Additional research is required in some instances.


There are 15 scheduled quizzes in this course, though the instructor may add more at his/her discretion. The quizzes are multiple choice, online, and do not require a proctor.

Proctored Assessments

There are two proctored assessments in this course, the Midterm Exam and the Final Exam. The Midterm is 100 points and counts as 25% toward your final grade. The Final is 95 points and counts as 35% toward your final grade. Each assessment is multiple choice.