Upon completing the course, you will be able to:
Civic Engagement
- Explain the importance of citizen engagement, ways Americans can influence and become engaged in government, and factors that might affect people’s willingness to become engaged in government.
Critical Thinking
- Explain the benefits and the consequences of failure associated with maintaining order through diplomacy.
- Explain the contributions of international governmental and non-governmental organizations and international law and their complex relationships with individual nations.
- Differentiate among the various views and approaches to governance and international relations theory.
- Discuss the varying impacts of the globalization of trade and communications.
- Explain how events led to a focus on the individual in the post-WWII era and assess the impact of those changes on how global issues are addressed.
- Compose a 1500-2000 word essay, using peer-reviewed sources, critically evaluating a contemporary international political issue and differentiating the various state perspectives.
Professional Readiness
- Participate in collaborative assignments and presentations in the classroom or online.
- Adhere to classroom attendance and behavior requirements.
- Submit assignments in a timely manner.
- Identify career opportunities within the federal government.
Quantitative Literacy
- Interpret and communicate quantitative information using language appropriate to the context and intended audience.
- Use appropriate quantitative methods to analyze international demographic and economic data.
- Read and interpret graphs and descriptive statistics.
Scientific Literacy
- Identify and understand the underlying factors and potential consequences of climate change.
- Explain several political science research methods.
Written Communication
- Compose an essay, using peer-reviewed sources, critically evaluating a contemporary international political issue and differentiating the various state perspectives.
- Compose written short essays addressing the topics addressed in the Critical Thinking section.
The Making of the Modern World/ Introduction
- Explain the meaning of a state and evolution of the modern state system.
- Recognize the connection between international relations as a field and their personal lives.
- Explain the meaning and significance of international and interstate diplomacy.
- Discuss the importance of diplomacy in regulating the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Many Actors
- Describe how the contemporary view of international relations has been expanded to include relationships between all sorts of political entities, including nations, international organizations, multinational corporations, societies, and citizens.
- Explain how the national level of analyses may affect what is considered the desired outcome.
International Relations Theory
- Identify and define the various forms and philosophies of governance (-isms) including the influence of Marxist-Leninist thought through 20th century international politics.
- Explain liberal theory, realism, constructivism, and their evolution.
- Explain the positivist and post-positivist views in international relations theory.
- Describe how these approaches are practiced by nations and international organizations.
International Law
- Define international law and the importance of international law.
- Identify what issues are addressed in international law.
- Identify who makes international law and to whom it applies.
- Explain how international law is implemented (e.g., the United Nations Charter, the Geneva Conventions, and the European Convention on Human Rights.)
International Organizations
- Explain what defines international governmental organizations (IGO), international non-governmental organizations (INGO), and hybrid international organizations.
- Describe how international organizations shape our world.
Global Civil Society
- Explain how globalization links distant communities and opens up spaces for new social actors.
- Identify several conditions for international activism.
- Explain global civil society as a response to international exclusion (to addresses issues such as climate change, financial instability, disease epidemics, intercultural violence and global inequalities).
Global Political Economy
- Identify various approaches to global political economy.
- Explain liberal approaches to the global political economy.
- Explain the impact of individuals and state and multinational corporations.
- Describe the trends toward an increasingly global economic environment (global, regional, and bilateral trade agreements).
Religion and Culture
- Explain how religion and culture have become increasingly important in international relations.
- Describe and differentiate between the elements of religion and culture.
Global Poverty and Wealth
- Explain what poverty is.
- Describe how poverty is measured and identify some practiced methods of reducing poverty.
- Explain how globalization might affect the wealth-poverty dynamic.
Protecting People
- Explain the various positions in the debate over the protection of individuals.
- Describe the international norms (protection of civilians, human rights, and international criminal law) of individual protections that have emerged since World War II.
- Detail some problems and challenges in protecting people.
Connectivity, Communications, and Technology
- Describe the effect of the internet on commerce and communication.
- Explain the problems associated with reliance on digital technology for communications.
- Describe the limitations of the internet in terms of censorship and control.
Voices of the People
- Analyze the impact of globalization and communication in bringing about protests, revolution, migration, and change.
International Terrorism
- Define international terrorism.
- Explain the motivations and goals of international terrorists.
- Detail the activities of various terrorist groups.
- Explain how international terrorist organizations are organized and ways they are funded.
- List ways in which international terrorist organizations might be countered.
Environmental Issues
- Explain some of the relationships between international relations and environmental issues.
- Explain common pool resource theory.
- Explain the idea of the global environment as a global commons.
- Discuss the conflict between global rights and domestic environmental policies and politics.
- Discuss the potential role of an international organization to address environmental issues.
Feeding the World
- List some of the factors resulting in hunger.
- Describe the impact of chronic hunger on civic participation.
- Describe the impact of chronic obesity on health.
- Explain how low wages affect food security.
- Describe how land dispossession affects hunger.
Managing Global Security
- Describe the evolution of the U.S. from an isolated nation to a global superpower.
- Explain the impact of the U.S. standing “global watch’ (Pax Americana) on the international order.
- Explain the impact of a single nation bearing the bulk of the financial burden of maintaining order in a world with increasing troubles.
- Discuss some potential alternative paradigms for managing global security.