How to Imbed an Image in Blackboard
Blackboard is designed to support attached image files, but not images imbedded in the text of the message. However, you can work around this limitation if you feel it necessary. (I'm not sure I do.) First you create the message with the image attached. Then you go back and edit the message to imbed the image. Here's how:
1. Go to Blackboard. Select the forum where you want to imbed the image. I suggest using "reply" to your initial text message to open a new message box for your image. Open the message box and write at least a word or two. If you want the image inserted into a complete text, include all the text.
2. In the text of the message, where you want the image to go, type this: <IMG SRC="">
3. Go down to the attachment line, click on the browser, and look through your files to find the image you want (be sure it is in a jpg or gif format and not very large). Open the file to select the image.
4. Click on the submit button for the message.
5. After your message is posted, view it and right click on the hot linked attachment filename in the header. This will open a menu, which will allow you to copy the image URL.
6. To copy the URL of the image:
If you are using Netscape, select "Copy Link Location."
If you are using Internet Explorer, select "Copy Shortcut."
7. Select modify to work again on the message.
8. In the text of the message look for <IMG SRC="">. Paste the image URL between the pairs of quotation marks.
9. Save the message again.
10. Read the message; the picture should be in the message box now.
So far as I can tell, Blackboard only allows one attachment per message, so choose your image carefully.However, if you want a second image, you may post the second image as an attachment to a second message, just labeling the message as an image message. Then, repeat steps 4-10 above and the image should show up in your text.
NOTE: if you already have a web site of your own, there is another way of imbedding multiple images. Place the images on your own web site, and then create image links to them from your Blackboard text, which you should prepare in html, or using a web editor such as FrontPage.
In this case, the image URLs would link to the images on your web site. Instructions for doing this are beyond the scope of the course, but if you have a web site already, you can probably figure it out.
(c) Diane Thompson:12/3/1998; 09/19/2006