I. Welcome
A. Study period 1600s to 1860s
B. Study many types
C. Visit historical sites
D. Cover three topics here
II. Topic #1: Practical Advice for Success
A. Read literature with care
B. Watch programs with care
C. Write assignments with care
D. Get in touch with me
III. Topic #2: Two representative samples
A. Native American writings as literature
B. Overview of two early writings
1. Similarities
a. Set in early northeast
b. Feature Iroquois
c. Provide two perspectives
d. Feature elements of all literature
2. "Iroquois or the Confederacy of the Five Nations"
3. "Voyages" of Samuel de Champlain
C. Qualities of literature in both
1. Engage concern for human characters
2. Give a tale of leadership solving problem
3. Show storyteller's artistry
4. Shaped by culture and purpose
IV. Topic #3: Basic Assumptions
A. Literature related to culture
1. Story
2. Myth
3. "The Origin of the Stories"
B. American legends ahead